My wife and I have had so many phenomenal culinary experiences during our trip to Asia this summer, that I felt it a duty — or perhaps even a moral obligation — to get to the bottom of one simple question: Why are foreign foods so much better abroad than in the U.S.?
After #MeToo: Fearless Girl
After #MeToo: 6 Questions & Answers with an Advocate for Abuse Victims
Women could spend their entire lives unlearning the lies we've learned, but I think a big one is: "Be small and look pretty doing it." Real progress looks like keeping up the conversation and being willing to engage in those uncomfortable discussions. Progress says, “I believe you,” and it doesn’t hide or cover things up. It’s time to bring things into the light and keep them there.
Time (Part 2): Fleeting Days and Eternal Moments
The Soldier Who Dreams to be King
Time (Part 1): What It Does to Us and What We Make of It
Sketches of Berlin: A Reflection in Photos and Words
5 Fantastic Facts about the Founding Fathers
In my reading thus far, I have come across many interesting tidbits that I had not previously known about the Founding Fathers, or at least did not know accurately. I've listed 5 of them below for your indulgence. Some are humorous, others perhaps more instructive, and still others remind us that these were just ordinary people like you and me.