Welcome to the Map Room - a website borne out of several converging ideas.
Firstly, the Map Room is indeed a physical space, a room that will one day exist in my own apartment or home. It will be a hybrid between an art studio, a library, an office, and a lounge. It will host an ample collection of maps, because for some reason maps have always inspired my imagination. The room would also come with a large fireplace conducive for late nights of deep discussion and reflection.
The Map Room is also a business idea for a restaurant. The venue would occupy a two-story building, with a rustic coffeeshop on the 1st floor and a futuristic bar on the 2nd. I have no investors lined up yet, although I'm always happy to rehearse my pitch for Shark Tank if you want to know more.
But ultimately, the Map Room is somewhere I go to in my own mind. It is a place of reflection and inspiration, where I can look backwards and look forwards, where I can reminisce on the past and dream about the future. It is also a place of critical thinking that is meant to challenge deeply held beliefs, learn new perspectives, and expand the lens through which I view reality.
In that sense, you have your own Map Room as well, and I would like to invite you on a journey into that space. Go ahead and brew some coffee or tea; pour yourself a glass of wine, beer, or a bit of whiskey. Heck, you can even smoke in here if you like! Feel free to stay as long as you want, just don't forget to put out the fire when you leave.
- Nick Shepherd